Page 6 - AU_Science_Catalog_2024
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Inheritance and Mutation controls inheritance patterns,
Evolution v4 mutation rates, maps and more.
Selection and Speciation allowing you to create
Observe evolution happening! conditions under which new species evolve through
control of natural selection pressures and mating
“Evolution: Genetic Diversity is one of the very few resources
which effectively makes a link between classical genetics,
population genetics and evolution. The ability to easily explore
the relationships between
allele frequencies and
population size as random
events is brilliant.”
Dr Barry Meatyard,
International Consultant, former
Highly visual and interactive, this software promotes a clear senior science teacher and
understanding of evolutionary principles and will captivate your teacher trainer.
students as each scenario unfolds.
Genetic Diversity is the base module and investigates the effects
of isolation, migration, founder effect, population bottlenecks and Whole School Online access
more. $149/yr or $49/yr ex-GST with discount voucher.
Arid Adaptations - Plants v2
• 30 game levels ranging from temperate to an extreme arid climate.
Critical thinking and problem solving! • 12 arid adaptations to aid survival.
• Description of each adaptation for easy learning.
• Adaptations include: • Small leaves • Stem water storage
• Succulent leaves • Spines
• Thick cuticle • Sunken stomates
• Leaf hairs • Stomata hairs
• Rollable leaves • C4 photosynthesis
• Stem photosynthesis • CAM photosynthesis
Under arid conditions:
• Survival becomes a nightmare.
Attaining success • Critical thinking and knowledge of adaptations is required.
is straightforward in • Animals eat moisture-laden plants more often!
favourable environments, • Root growth patterns must be well thought out.
however in the harshest, • Too many leaves can lead to critical water loss.
• Too few leaves result in slow growth.
most arid conditions, only
those equipped with unique Whole School Online access
adaptations stand a chance
at survival. $49/yr or $24/yr ex-GST with discount voucher.
Whole School Online access
Natural Selection v4
$44/yr or $19/yr ex-GST with discount voucher.
Beetles Frogs Peppered Moths
Do we need to protect more than just a Why are Poison Dart Frogs brightly Will a changing environment affect
few members of endangered species? coloured? Why do mimics survive? moth appearance in a population?
Investigate the effect of predator Become the predator in a predator- Become the predator. Observe trends
preference on a population of beetles prey simulation which lasts up to 20 in a population over time. This highly-
over time. Observe changes in genetic generations. Observe population interactive experience develops
diversity of small and large populations. trends over time. appreciation of the natural selection .
Request a FREE Trial:
Available Online for: Windows, Mac OS X, iPad & Chromebook browsers. W: